It’s nearly October of 2019! Can you believe that? The weather will begin shifting and shorter moments of daylight will prompt us to begin hibernating and winding down from the year while gearing up for the holidays. And in this time where the year is coming to a close, we can remember that there are still plenty of things we can accomplish in the next few months. In the last quarter of the year there is still a lot you can get done. You can…

Read several books
Write a draft of a short story
Declutter your place to get ready for the new year
Strengthen your relationships
Visit old friends
Plan a vacation for next year
Plot out some goals
Focus more intently on your health
Begin an exercise routine
Begin looking for an effective therapist
Develop routines to create more peace

There’s still a lot to be done. So as the leaves begin to turn and cool breezes replace heat waves let’s make sure to get a bit more out of this year and finish strong, even if finishing strong means fortifying inner strength.

As always, be well.

Post Author: Carbon

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