It’s hard to believe that soon it will be 2019, but it’s about that time. The end of year is often when people begin to reflect on where they are, how far they’ve come and where they want to be. As I’ve looked back on just this year alone, I’m happy I can say I’m finishing strong in a much better place than before. I’m happier, healthier and pieces are falling into place.

For several years now I’ve envisioned myself doing public speaking, doing the type of work that involved a bit of travel, and even getting back to doing writing workshops. And this year it all came true. It’s been a long journey and a lot of work. This time last year was very different for me but my hard work and faith payed off. And though I’m trying to “stay in the present”, I can’t help but think of what I’d like next year to look like. Not only is the end of the year a great time for reflection, but also an optimal time to strategize and yes, even dream.

I know a good amount of people in difficult positions right now. Some are job seeking, some are dealing with health issues and some are navigating family drama. And I know some people who are just working really hard and paying bills (raises hand) and could use more opportunities for fun and excitement. What if by this time next year, what you’ve worked for, the circumstance you’ve imagined, or the things you’ve prayed about have come to fruition? By this time next year, things could have shifted, even if it feels minor. Change, in my experience, is typically incremental. Sometimes a lot happens at once, but often it’s one seemingly small step at a time.

So though you may be tired of hoping, praying and working your tail off, keep going. I believe there are cosmic forces on our side that help us along the way, but we have to show up for ourselves and do the work, whether that’s the inner work or the physical work to create change and make things happen. We have to put in the time and the effort. If we have to rest, this is a great time of year to do that. But rest, don’t stop.

Plan, strategize, dream, and dare to believe that what you’ve longed for is possible. By this time next year, you could be living the vision you’ve held for your life, or be closer than ever before.

Post Author: Carbon

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