The new year has begun. 2019 is here, rife with resolutions, goals, new hopes and renewed energy. But what if you’re not feeling the hype? What if you’re still recovering from 2018 and just aren’t ready to dive in? That’s ok.

I’ve been exhausted for quite some time – mentally, physically and emotionally. I’ve been giving myself the time and space to acknowledge my fatigue and gentle with myself, recognizing what’s gotten me to this place and the patience and self-care it will take to bring me to a more energized state.

I’m not placing unmanageable expectations on myself. I’m being mindful about when I need to rest and when I need to push myself just a little. And with each decision I’m giving myself the most compassion I can. I’m also understanding that though my fatigue has been prolonged, it won’t last forever. And then I saw this message from Morgan Harper Nichols, an affirmation that taking my time and easing into the new year is ok.

On this morning mercies were new, but it did not feel that way to you, for you are tired of giving while seeing no fruit, tired of the weather and too much to do:

Take heart, take shelter, for right now, this is winter, and these cold quiet lands have done all they can.

And some things may not grow the way you had planned, but even here in your soul may you soon understand:

You are free to believe in much better things and these seeds will rise from the ground in spring. You have to wait but you will see: no matter how long winter lingers, it lets go, it leaves.

So if you’re still recovering and recuperating, it’s ok to take your time. There’s no need to put pressure on yourself to “grind”, “hustle” and “secure the bag”. Do what makes sense for you and do it with self-love, keeping your needs a priority.

Wishing you all the best in 2019.

Post Author: Carbon

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